Working papers
Amin, S., P. Jaillet, and M. Wu, "Efficient Carpooling and Toll Pricing for Autonomous Transportation", Working Paper, 2021.
Shelar, D., S. Amin, and I. Hiskens, "Resilience of Electricity Distribution Networks - Part II: Leveraging Microgrids", Working Paper, 2021.
Jin, L., Y. Tang, A. Kurzhanskiy, and S. Amin, "Resilient Ramp Control for Highways Facing Stochastic Perturbations", Working Paper, 2021.
Lee, A., M. Dahan, J. Justice, C. Barnhart, and S. Amin, "Uncertainty-Aware Routing of Aerial Sensors for Infrastructure Damage Inspection", Working Paper, 2021.
Chang, D., K. Andrew Emanuel, and S. Amin, "Probabilistic Modeling of Hurricane Wind-Induced Damage in Infrastructure Systems", Working Paper, 2021.
Milošević, J., M. Dahan, S. Amin, and H. Sandberg, "Monitoring Networked Systems Consisting of Components with Heterogeneous Security Levels: A Game Theoretic Approach", Working Paper, 2021.
Chang, D., D. Shelar, and S. Amin, "Resource Allocation under Uncertainty and Microgrid Formation for Improved Resilience Against Hurricanes", Working Paper, 2021.
Dahan, M., S. Link, S. Amin, and G. Perakis, "Designing Network Inspection Operations Using Imperfect Diagnostic Information", Working Paper, 2021.
Wu, M., S. Amin, and A. E. Ozdaglar, "Multi-agent Bayesian Learning with Adaptive Strategies: Convergence and Stability", Working Paper, 2020.
Liu, J., M. Wu, G. Schwartz, and S. Amin, "Effects of Information Heterogeneity in Bayesian Routing Games", Working Paper, 2020.
Wu, M., D. Shelar, R. Gopalakrishnan, and S. Amin, "Optimal Testing Strategy for Containing COVID-19: A Case-Study on Indian Migrant Worker Population", Working Paper, 2020.
Liu, J., A. Weinert, and S. Amin, "Semantic Analysis of Traffic Camera Data: Topic Signal Extraction and Anomalous Event Detection", Working Paper, 2019.
Journal Articles
Dahan, M., L. Sela, and S. Amin, "Network Inspection for Detecting Strategic Attacks", Operations Research, 2021.
Shelar, D., S. Amin, and I. Hiskens, "Evaluating Resilience of Electricity Distribution Networks via A Modification of Generalized Benders Decomposition Method", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2020.
Wu, M., S. Amin, and A. E. Ozdaglar, "Value of Information in Bayesian Routing Games", Operations Research, vol. 69.1, pp. 148-163, 2020.
Chang, D., S. Amin, and K. Andrew Emanuel, "Modeling and Parameter Estimation of Hurricane Wind Fields with Asymmetry", Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, vol. 59, pp. 687–705, 2020.
Jin, L., M. Cicic, K H. Johansson, and S. Amin, "Analysis and Design of Vehicle Platooning Operations on Mixed-Traffic Highways", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1-1, 2020.
Dahan, M., S. Amin, and P. Jaillet, "Probability Distributions on Partially Ordered Sets and Network Interdiction Games", Mathematics of Operations Research, 2019.
Amin, S., and K.. H. Johansson, "Preface to the Focused Issue on Dynamic Games in Cyber Security", Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. 9, pp. 881–883, 2019.
Romanski, J., S. Amin, and P. Jaillet, "Exponential convergence rates for stochastically ordered Markov processes with random initial conditions", Systems & Control Letters, vol. 133, 2019.
Jin, L., and S. Amin, "Stability of Fluid Queueing Systems with Parallel Servers and Stochastic Capacities", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1-1, 2018.
Khan, Z., and S. Amin, "Bottleneck model with heterogeneous information", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 112, pp. 157 - 190, 2018.
Wu, M., and S. Amin, "Securing Infrastructure Facilities: When does proactive defense help?", Dynamic Games and Applications, vol. abs/1804.00391, 2018.
Sela, L., and S. Amin, "Robust sensor placement for pipeline monitoring: Mixed integer and greedy optimization", Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 36, pp. 55 - 63, 2018.
Lee, A. C., M. Dahan, A. J. Weinert, and S. Amin, "Leveraging sUAS for Infrastructure Network Exploration and Failure Isolation", Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems, vol. 93, pp. 385–413, Apr, 2018.
Jin, L., and S. Amin, "Analysis of a Stochastic Switching Model of Freeway Traffic Incidents", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp. 1-1, 2018.
Shelar, D., and S. Amin, "Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution Networks Under DER Node Compromises", IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 4, pp. 23-36, March, 2017.
Perelman, L. Sela, W. Abbas, X. Koutsoukos, and S. Amin, "Sensor placement for fault location identification in water networks: A minimum test cover approach", Automatica, vol. 72, pp. 166 - 176, 2016.
Sandberg, H., S. Amin, and K H. Johansson, "Cyberphysical Security in Networked Control Systems: An Introduction to the Issue", IEEE Control Systems, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 20-23, Feb, 2015.
Amin, S., G. Schwartz, A. A. Cárdenas, and S. Sastry, "Game-Theoretic Models of Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Utility Networks: Providing New Capabilities with Advanced Metering Infrastructure", IEEE Control Systems, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 66-81, Feb, 2015.
Perelman, L. Sela, and S. Amin, "Control of tree water networks: A geometric programming approach", Water Resources Research, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 8409–8430, 2015.
Sengupta, R., S. Amin, A. Annaswamy, S. Moura, and V. Bulusu, "Smart Cities and Control [Technical Activities]", IEEE Control Systems, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 20-21, Dec, 2015.
Krichene, W., J. Reilly, S. Amin, and A. Bayen, "Stackelberg Routing on Parallel Networks With Horizontal Queues", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 714-727, March, 2014.
Loiseau, P., G. Schwartz, J. Musacchio, S. Amin, and S. Sastry, "Incentive Mechanisms for Internet Congestion Management: Fixed-Budget Rebate Versus Time-of-Day Pricing", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 647-661, April, 2014.
Amin, S., X. Litrico, S. Sastry, and A. Bayen, "Cyber Security of Water SCADA Systems - Part II: Attack Detection Using Enhanced Hydrodynamic Models", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 1679-1693, Sept, 2013.
Amin, S., G. Schwartz, and A. Hussain, "In quest of benchmarking security risks to cyber-physical systems", IEEE Network, vol. 27, pp. 19-24, January, 2013.
Amin, S., X. Litrico, S. Sastry, and A. Bayen, "Cyber Security of Water SCADA Systems—Part I: Analysis and Experimentation of Stealthy Deception Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 21, pp. 1963-1970, Sept, 2013.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and S. Sastry, "Security of interdependent and identical networked control systems", Automatica, vol. 49, pp. 186 - 192, 2013.
Amin, S., F. Hante, and A. Bayen, "Exponential Stability of Switched Linear Hyperbolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 291-301, Feb, 2012.
Huang, C-Y., A. A. Cárdenas, S. Amin, Z-S. Lin, H-Y. Tsai, and S. Sastry, "Understanding the physical and economic consequences of attacks on control systems", International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 73 - 83, 2009.
Conference Papers
Gupta, S., and S. Amin, "Integer Programming-based Error-Correcting Output Code Design for Robust Classification", Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2021.
Wu, M., D. Shelar, R. Gopalakrishnan, and S. Amin, "Optimal Testing Strategy for Containing COVID-19: A Case-Study on Indian Migrant Worker Population", American Control Conference (ACC), 2021.
Wu, M., S. Amin, and A. E. Ozdaglar, "Bayesian Learning with Adaptive Load Allocation Strategies", Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC) Conference, 2020.
Yu, H., S. Amin, and M. Krstic, "Stability Analysis of Mixed-Autonomy Traffic with CAV Platoons using Two-class Aw-Rascle Model", 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
Chang, D., D. Shelar, and S. Amin, "Stochastic Resource Allocation for Electricity Distribution Network Resilience", American Control Conference, 2020.
Milošević, J., M. Dahan, S. Amin, and H. Sandberg, "A Network Monitoring Game with Heterogeneous Component Criticality Levels", 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019.
Wu, M., and S. Amin, "Information Design for Regulating Traffic Flows under Uncertain Network State", 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2019.
Wu, M., and S. Amin, "Learning an Unknown Network State in Routing Games", 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NECSYS), Chicago, IL, Sept, 2019.
Liu, J., A. Weinert, and S. Amin, "Semantic Topic Analysis of Traffic Camera Images", 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC), 2018.
Chang, D., D. Shelar, and S. Amin, "DER allocation and line repair scheduling for storm-induced failures in distribution networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 2018.
Jin, L., M. Č. ičič, S. Amin, and K. H. Johansson, "Modeling the Impact of Vehicle Platooning on Highway Congestion: A Fluid Queuing Approach", Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (Part of CPS Week), New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2018.
Jin, L., and S. Amin, "Analyzing a Tandem Fluid Queueing Model with Stochastic Capacity and Spillback", Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2018.
Wu, M., L. Jin, S. Amin, and P. Jaillet, "Signaling Game-based Misbehavior Inspection in V2I-enabled Highway Operations", CDC, vol. abs/1803.08415, 2018.
Lee, A.., M. Dahan, and S. Amin, "Integration of sUAS-enabled sensing for leak identification with oil and gas pipeline maintenance crews", 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), June, 2017.
Shelar, D., P. Sun, S. Amin, and S. Zonouz, "Compromising Security of Economic Dispatch in Power System Operations", 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June, 2017.
Wu, M., J.. Liu, and S. Amin, "Informational aspects in a class of Bayesian congestion games", 2017 American Control Conference (ACC), May, 2017.
Sethi, A., S. Amin, and G. Schwartz, "Value of intrusion detection systems for countering energy fraud", 2017 American Control Conference (ACC), May, 2017.
Abbas, W., L. Sela Perelman, S. Amin, and X. Koutsoukos, "Resilient Sensor Placement for Fault Localization in Water Distribution Networks", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2017.
Dahan, M., L. Sela Perelman, and S. Amin, "Network sensing for security against link disruption attacks", 2016 54th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Sept, 2016.
Laszka, A., B. Potteiger, Y. Vorobeychik, S. Amin, and X. Koutsoukos, "Vulnerability of Transportation Networks to Traffic-Signal Tampering", 2016 ACM/IEEE 7th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), April, 2016.
Amin, S., "Security games on infrastructure networks", 2016 Science of Security for Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop (SOSCYPS), April, 2016.
Dahan, M., and S. Amin, "Network Flow Routing under Strategic Link Disruptions", 2015 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), pp. 353-360, 10/2015.
Abbas, W., L. Sela Perelman, S. Amin, and X. Koutsoukos, "An Efficient Approach to Fault Identification in Urban Water Networks Using Multi-Level Sensing", Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 147–156, 2015.
Shelar, D., J. Giraldo, and S. Amin, "A distributed strategy for electricity distribution network control in the face of DER compromises", 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6934-6941, Dec, 2015.
Shelar, D., and S. Amin, "Analyzing vulnerability of electricity distribution networks to DER disruptions", 2015 American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 2461-2468, July, 2015.
Perelman, L. Sela, and S. Amin, "A Network Interdiction Model for Analyzing the Vulnerability of Water Distribution Systems", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2014.
Perelman, L. Sela, and S. Amin, "A network interdiction model for analyzing the vulnerability of water distribution systems", 3rd International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems (part of {CPS} Week), HiCoNS '14, Berlin, Germany, April 15-17, 2014, pp. 135–144, 2014.
Jin, L., and S. Amin, "A piecewise-deterministic Markov model of freeway accidents", 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1733-1740, Dec, 2014.
Jebbari, Y., W. Krichene, J. Reilly, and A. Bayen, "Stackelberg thresholds on parallel networks with horizontal queues", 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 268-274, Dec, 2013.
Cárdenas, A., S. Amin, G. Schwartz, R. Dong, and S. Sastry, "A game theory model for electricity theft detection and privacy-aware control in AMI systems", Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on, pp. 1830-1837, Oct, 2012.
Krichene, W., J. Reilly, S. Amin, and A. M. Bayen, "On the characterization and computation of Nash equilibria on parallel networks with horizontal queues", CDC, 2012.
Cárdenas, A., S. Amin, and G. Schwartz, "Privacy-aware sampling for residential demand response programs", 1st International ACM Conf. High Confidence Netw. Syst. (HiCoNS), 2012.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and H. Tembine, "Incentives and Security in Electricity Distribution Networks", Decision and Game Theory for Security - Third International Conference, GameSec 2012, Budapest, Hungary, November 5-6, 2012. Proceedings, pp. 264–280, 2012.
Hussain, A., and S. Amin, "NCS security experimentation using DETER", 1st International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems (HiCoNS - at {CPS} Week 2012), HiCoNS '12, Beijing, China, April 17-18, 2012, pp. 73–80, 2012.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and H. Tembine, "Incentives and Security in Electricity Distribution Networks", GameSec, 2012.
Krichene, W., J. Reilly, S. Amin, and A. M. Bayen, "On Stackelberg routing on parallel networks with horizontal queues", CDC, 2012.
Hussain, A., and S. Amin, "NCS security experimentation using DETER", Proceedings of the 1st international conference on High Confidence Networked Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2012.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and S. Sastry, "On the interdependence of reliability and security in Networked Control Systems", CDC-ECE, 2011.
Loiseau, P., G. Schwartz, J. Musacchio, S. Amin, and S. Sastry, "Congestion pricing using a raffle-based scheme", Network Games, Control and Optimization (NetGCooP), 2011 5th International Conference on, pp. 1-8, Oct, 2011.
Cárdenas, A., S. Amin, Z-S. Lin, C-Y. Huang, C-Y. Huang, and S. Sastry, "Attacks against process control systems: risk assessment, detection, and response", ASIACCS, 2011.
Loiseau, P., G. Schwartz, J. Musacchio, and S. Amin, "Incentive schemes for Internet congestion management: Raffles versus time-of-day pricing", Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on, pp. 103-110, Sept, 2011.
Schwartz, G., S. Amin, A. Gueye, and J. Walrand, "Network design game with both reliability and security failures", Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2011 49th Annual Allerton Conference on, pp. 675-681, Sept, 2011.
Amin, S., G. Schwartz, and S. Sastry, "On the interdependence of reliability and security in Networked Control Systems", 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pp. 4078-4083, Dec, 2011.
Amin, S., X. Litrico, S. Sastry, and A. M. Bayen, "Stealthy deception attacks on water SCADA systems", HSCC, 2010.
Chatterjee, D., S. Amin, P. Hokayem, and J. Lygeros, "Mean-square boundedness of stochastic networked control systems with bounded control inputs", CDC, 2010.
Herring, R., A. Hofleitner, S. Amin, T. Na, sr, A. Khalek, P. Abbeel, and A. Bayen, "Using Mobile Phones to Forecast Arterial Traffic Through Statistical Learning", Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, 2010.
Teixeira, A., S. Amin, H. Sandberg, and K H. Johansson, "Cyber security analysis of state estimators in electric power systems", CDC, 2010.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and S. Sastry, "Security Interdependencies for Networked Control Systems with Identical Agents", Decision and Game Theory for Security - First International Conference, GameSec 2010, Berlin, Germany, November 22-23, 2010. Proceedings, pp. 107–122, 2010.
Amin, S., G. A. Schwartz, and S. Sastry, "Security Interdependencies for Networked Control Systems with Identical Agents", GameSec, 2010.
Amin, S., X. Litrico, S. Sastry, and A. M. Bayen, "Stealthy deception attacks on water SCADA systems", Proceedings of the 13th {ACM} International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, {HSCC} 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, April 12-15, 2010, pp. 161–170, 2010.
Amin, S., A. A. Cárdenas, and S. Sastry, "Safe and Secure Networked Control Systems under Denial-of-Service Attacks", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 12th International Conference, {HSCC} 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 13-15, 2009. Proceedings, pp. 31–45, 2009.
Amin, S., A. A. Cárdenas, and S. Sastry, "Safe and Secure Networked Control Systems under Denial-of-Service Attacks", HSCC, 2009.
Amin, S., F. M. Hante, and A. M. Bayen, "On Stability of Switched Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Reflecting Boundaries", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 11th International Workshop, {HSCC} 2008, St. Louis, MO, USA, April 22-24, 2008. Proceedings, pp. 602–605, 2008.
Cárdenas, A. A., S. Amin, and S. Sastry, "Research Challenges for the Security of Control Systems", 3rd {USENIX} Workshop on Hot Topics in Security, HotSec'08, San Jose, CA, USA, July 29, 2008, Proceedings, 2008.
Amin, S., F. M. Hante, and A. M. Bayen, "Stability analysis of linear hyperbolic systems with switching parameters and boundary conditions", CDC, 2008.
Amin, S., F. M. Hante, and A. M. Bayen, "On Stability of Switched Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Reflecting Boundaries", HSCC, 2008.
Cárdenas, A. A., S. Amin, and S. Sastry, "Secure Control: Towards Survivable Cyber-Physical Systems", ICDCS Workshops, 2008.
Amin, S., S. Andrews, S. Apte, J. Arnold, A. M. Bayen, M. Benko, and A. M. Bayen, "Mobile Century Using GPS Mobile Phones as Traffic Sensors: A Field Experiment", Proc. 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems, New York, NY, 2008.
Abate, A., S. Amin, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Computational Approaches to Reachability Analysis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 10th International Workshop, {HSCC} 2007, Pisa, Italy, April 3-5, 2007, Proceedings, pp. 4–17, 2007.
Abate, A., S. Amin, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Computational Approaches to Reachability Analysis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Wut, Q., S. Amint, S. Munier, A. Bayen, X. Litrico, and G. Belaud, "Parameter identification for the shallow water equation using modal decomposition", Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on, pp. 1584-1590, Dec, 2007.
Amin, S., A. M. Bayen, E. L. Ghaoui, and S. Sastry, "Robust feasibility for control of water flow in a reservoir-canal system", Decision and Control, 2007 46th IEEE Conference on, pp. 1571-1577, Dec, 2007.
Amin, S., A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Reachability Analysis for Controlled Discrete Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 9th International Workshop, {HSCC} 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, March 29-31, 2006, Proceedings, pp. 49–63, 2006.
Amin, S., A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Reachability Analysis for Controlled Discrete Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems", Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Abate, A., S. Amin, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Probabilistic reachability and safe sets computation for discrete time stochastic hybrid systems", Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 258-263, Dec, 2006.
Book Chapters
Shelar, D., S. Amin, and I. Hiskens, "Toward Resilience-Aware Resource Allocation and Dispatch in Electricity Distribution Networks", Energy Markets and Responsive Grids: Modeling, Control, and Optimization, New York, NY, Springer New York, pp. 461–489, 2018.
Krichene, W., J. D. Reilly, S. Amin, and A. M. Bayen, "Stackelberg Routing on Parallel Transportation Networks", Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1–35, 2017.
Jin, L., and S. Amin, Calibration of a Macroscopic Traffic Flow Model with Stochastic Saturation Rates, , 2017.
Abate, A., S. Amin, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Computational Approaches to Reachability Analysis of Stochastic Hybrid Systems", Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control, 2007.
Amin, S., A. Abate, M. Prandini, J. Lygeros, and S. Sastry, "Reachability Analysis for Controlled Discrete Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems", HSCC, vol. 3927: Springer, 2006.